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How to Book a Hotel in How to Travel How to travel is something that so often left me feeling unsatisfied. I would go on web searches and find only public transport or incomplete information. Sometimes, I would go months without finding a place to stay or book a hotel. In this article, you will learn how to travel without search engine optimization (SEO)es. You will also find tips on how to make your travel look good on the internet. Create a well-curated travel dossier When I am traveling, I make sure that my travel dossier is organized and well-curated. This way, when I go to search for places to stay or book a hotel, I will know where to look. It also helps me to feel more confident when traveling. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of putting good content first, and down in the results list. That way, you are sure to rank high in your genre. You can use this approach when creating your travel dossier ...